About CJ

CJ is an entrepreneur driven by a passion for making a difference, where safety training serves as a crucial element. As the founder of CJ's World, a proudly black-owned business helmed by Charles Boyd, his journey commenced as an EMT in California. It was there that his dedication to aiding others and preserving lives began to unfold.

At CJ's World, the ethos resonates with the motto, "We teach you how to save lives in more than one way." This sentiment underscores the equal importance placed on firearm training alongside CPR/first aid instruction. CJ brings to the table a wealth of certifications, indicative of his commitment to excellence in the field.

1.     NRA Basic Pistol Instructor

2. NRA Rifle Instructor

3.     USCCA Concealed Carry and Home Defense instructor.

4.     California Certified DOJ instructor

5.    BSIS Certified Firearm Instructor

6.      BSIS Training Facility


8.      Nationally Certified EMT

9.      Red cross instructor/ Instructor trainer

10. Health Safety Institute instructor / Instructor Trainee